Why would it increase the “joke” of the comic if the fellow were to wear orthopedic shoes? To my manner of thinking, it is better with athletic shoes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I am glad that Gary is showing a fellow with a moustache again… I was concerned he joined the ONLY CLEAN SHAVEN brigade. A whole bunch of us male pluggers do not mind sporting facial fur.
LeoAutodidact about 10 years ago
Spinal Surgury will do that!
IndyMan about 10 years ago
What ‘running shoes’ ? Only running I ever did was in ‘gym class’ in high school an the Obstacle Course in basic training in the Air Force ! !
Sangelia about 10 years ago
Throwing out your back in your early 30s will do that too.
Perkycat about 10 years ago
Guess I’m not a plugger ……….. yet.
LuvThemPluggers about 10 years ago
Nope, it’s walking shoes, big difference. And notice he’s walking on grass, a softer landing, if necessary.
ladylagomorph76 about 10 years ago
The only running I do is away from snakes and other fear inspiring critters, like potato bugs, grasshoppers and spiders.
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
Why would it increase the “joke” of the comic if the fellow were to wear orthopedic shoes? To my manner of thinking, it is better with athletic shoes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I am glad that Gary is showing a fellow with a moustache again… I was concerned he joined the ONLY CLEAN SHAVEN brigade. A whole bunch of us male pluggers do not mind sporting facial fur.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
My running shoes escaped a few years ago…
rnsimmons about 10 years ago
Did they “run” away, neverenoughgold?
BillWa about 10 years ago
Mine’s a nice Irish Blackthorn Stick.
bearwws about 10 years ago
I have the shoes and the stick. Love this strip.