William Hamilton is suing for a percentage of the royalties for this one
Luxury resorts are have such common rich people and are used only while restocking or repairing the yacht.
Ahhh-ha-ha-haha-ha….Who isn’t? Who isn’t?
I love this strip. It’s so random!
August 09, 2014
DLF3275 about 10 years ago
William Hamilton is suing for a percentage of the royalties for this one
PoodleGroomer about 10 years ago
Luxury resorts are have such common rich people and are used only while restocking or repairing the yacht.
BadVlad about 10 years ago
Ahhh-ha-ha-haha-ha….Who isn’t? Who isn’t?
bigplayray over 4 years ago
I love this strip. It’s so random!