Rob Rogers for January 08, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    It should not be forgotten that their courage was in taking on ALL comers and hypocrisy.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Hope this wakes up the rest of the free world to the jihad being waged, like 9/11 did to the US.

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    twclix  over 9 years ago

    If all the editorial cartoonists would reprint the offending cartoons, and do so all over the world unanimously, then their “je suis Charlie” claims would be true. Otherwise they are hollow proclamations. I get why they don’t obviously, they are afraid, as I myself would be in their shoes. The most disturbing thing about this situation is that Muslims all over say things like “Well, it’s a terrible thing, of course, and we don’t condone violence…but, it’s also completely understandable. After all you must never insult the Prophet or the truly faithful will be forced to defend Him against your blasphemous behavior.” Amazing.

    Even though the US is enormously culpable in the violent cycle, it is always dismaying to see the Islamic apologists calling for an end to the violence at the same time they claim to be in sympathy with the motivations of the violent. I make no apologies for apologizing for American behavior. I am an intensely patriotic American who condemned the Iraq war, Gitmo, torture, drone strikes, and the horrid things carried out by our country. I don’t sympathize with evil. Religions, all religions, think they have the absolute truth and that it empowers them to act. Islam is no different than other religions in this. The big difference is that Islam is, at its core, fundamentally intolerant. This is what the Quran states. Yes, all religions are intolerant to some degree, but Islam seems to be particularly focused on intolerant behavior.

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    jtripp47  over 9 years ago

    Bet your ASS!

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    canFunny  over 9 years ago

    For the first time in years I agree with Rob Rogers, even though at times I find his pen to be poisonous. Don’t stub yourself man.

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  6. Computerhead
    Spyderred  over 9 years ago

    Ces voyous ont trouvé refuge dans la France libre, puis remboursés à la générosité de ce pays en attaquant les gens non armés dont «péché» était être intelligent et courageux. Je espère que la France sera de retour la peine de mort pour des actes de terrorisme. Si non, alors la prison pour leur vie.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Just addendum here; I have the highest respect for these journalists who spoke out for free speech. But I’m also aware of what the French did in Indo China, that we stepped in to back them up on in ‘45. leading US into ’Nam. Their brutality against the Vietnamese “colonials” didn’t enhance my view of the French. That fist of resistance to opression has deeper meaning. The pen is also the tool of oppressors.

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    Love how all the libs on here talk about stuff that happened decades or centuries ago as if that justifies these CURRENT terrorist acts that look to have no end.I think the world(except much of the Middle East and N Korea) has evolved in a modern society.

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