Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 30, 2015
yard sale yard sale items from our yard sale prices available upon request by richard thompson deathtrap sleeper sofa! the widowmaker! hair-trigger mechanism, sunken frame, possibly occupied by evil spirits. heroes of western culture on shellacked cedar shingles! weta membership premium, missing shakespeare & roy rogers. 18 feet of antonio vivaldi on desirable 78's! scratch on side 214, otherwise impeccable. some lesley gore also available. hamster caddy! fits small-xxl. pathogens! packed in six ball jars. decorative coathangers! the smithsonian has nothing like 'em! wandering washer-dryer! flick the switch & off she goes! monet? vermeer? twombly? rubens? aunt blanche? mystery painting! every year a lucky elderly couple finds a picasso at a yard sale! scrape off the ugly sailboat & see what's underneath.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
Ohh1 Ohh! I can’t wait to put in my bids for those treasures!
tmt about 10 years ago
With the painting, my money’s on Aunt Blanche.
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
One record of Vivaldi, and you hear all of his works, different speeds some played backwords, and every note mixedup… and it saves you time
OldestandWisest about 10 years ago
They’re my records and I’ll play them if I want to!
pumaman about 10 years ago
Hamster not included.
PoodleGroomer about 10 years ago
The sofa is still occupied by three relatives sleeping off the Thanksgiving turkey and beer.
WaitingMan about 10 years ago
18 ft. of 78’s? Must be one act of an opera by Richard Wagner.