I see you, and raise you two. Next time we're using real chips and not potato chips. Crunch Crunch Crunch
Potato chip poker sounds like fun!
Are those Lay’s potato chips? Bet you can’t bet just one.
This one is truly funny because it is so true to life!.Thanks for a good laugh, Brian…
Maybe chocolate chips. Rover’s smart enough not to eat those.
Love Rover’s “crunch, crunch, crunch” at the end!
You could use regular chips for white, sweet-potato chips for red (nearly), and we had blue potato chips just the other day!
What a great CRUNCH, Rover! I’d like to join you, boys.LOVE & HUGS TO RED & ROVER
How about gambling with miniature candy bars?
November 20, 2013
Catfeet Premium Member about 10 years ago
Potato chip poker sounds like fun!
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Are those Lay’s potato chips? Bet you can’t bet just one.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
This one is truly funny because it is so true to life!.Thanks for a good laugh, Brian…
Stephen Gilberg about 10 years ago
Maybe chocolate chips. Rover’s smart enough not to eat those.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Love Rover’s “crunch, crunch, crunch” at the end!
Tandembuzz about 10 years ago
You could use regular chips for white, sweet-potato chips for red (nearly), and we had blue potato chips just the other day!
mymontana about 10 years ago
What a great CRUNCH, Rover! I’d like to join you, boys.LOVE & HUGS TO RED & ROVER
Meowmocha almost 10 years ago
How about gambling with miniature candy bars?