Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 16, 2015

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    Elmer Gantry Fudd  about 10 years ago

    Nice tribute.

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    King_Shark  about 10 years ago

    I suppose taking the trouble to actually check the kind of material Charlie Hebdo peddles was too much trouble?One can, you see, be against both sides in a dispute, and being anti-jihadist does not necessarily mean allying oneself with a hypocritical, racist rag which gets its jollies by gratuitously offending a minority which is already systematically discriminated against in one of the most racist nations in the world. I agree with a comment a few strips back: this comic has jumped the shark. Jumped it so far that it’s no longer in the same universe as the shark.Pity. It used to be good, once.

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    blissfulchick  about 10 years ago

    i think any individual can make any kind of tribute he or she wants. and any other individual can like it or not. and then we can all move on, hopefully unscathed, since it’s just an image

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    androgenoide  about 10 years ago

    Charlie Hebdo’s humor might have been crude and juvenile but the fact remains that they poked fun at all religious and political positions and only one group of fanatics was unable to restrain itself and behave like a group of mature adults. The Kouachi brothers turned their backs on the prophet and insulted Islam.

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  5. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  about 10 years ago

    Specific people referenced: Hitler, Uncle Sam, Jesus, Benjamin Netanyahu, Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, Kim Jong Un, Seth Rogan, MLK, George Wallace, Vladimir Putin, George W Bush, and Barack Obama. As far as I can tell, everyone else is just a “type”. Did I miss any?

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  6. August 024
    tomfromthe50s Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Not all of CH’s Mohammed cartoons are insulting—this week’s, for example. The islamists just don’t want any portrayal of Mohammed!—-Also, why aren’t there more women in the couples?

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  7. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  about 10 years ago

    There probably aren’t more women because everyone is either male in real life, or part of a pair of archetypes that are traditionally male. “Cowboy/Indian” gets instant recognition as a pair of enemies, but “cowgirl/Indian” would make people stop and puzzle over what extra meaning is being implied.

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    tobybartels  about 10 years ago

    I see that Ruben has changed the first picture (which one would expect to be the original) so that he is not drawing Muhammad.

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    Lethea  about 10 years ago

    I assume that panel 14 is Obama & Dubya. But, they’re not really enemies. About 90% of their policies are identical (except for healthcare, obviously).

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    petkov  about 10 years ago

    funny how islamophobia is ok but make fun of the jews and you ARE OUT!

    je ne suis Charlie pas, Je suis Gaza, je suis Sine

    Yep, this guy has joined the establishment and jumped the shark.

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  11. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Granted, I’m rusty, but your Morse says “SK PRTHIAS”. I assume you meant Prohias, but who is SK?

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    leemartinlee  about 10 years ago

    Instead of burying the terrorists anonymously, I wish they would have had pig’s blood poured down their dead throats, then been cremated and have their remains flushed down a public toilet to join everything else in the sewer. If done publicly, there might be a lot fewer volunteers for attacks like this. Just the thought of never reaching Muslim heaven should be a big deterrent.

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    ale313  about 5 years ago

    My eyes are burning

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