F Minus by Tony Carrillo for January 30, 2015

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 10 years ago

    I think the bub didn’t have any cash on him so he schemed some poor soul.

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    JayBluE  about 10 years ago

    Though it seems like a little thing, There’s all kinds of “discourteous behavior” at the check out line. Some who won’t move up (talking about when there’s actual room available) to make room for other people so they can put their stuff on the conveyor belt, or talking as loud as possible about their “goings-on” in a way that no one cares to hear, especially if on a cell phone. Also there’s those that have a bunch of items, but won’t let someone just getting one quick thing go ahead, to move the line along… – Or if it’s a “self-checkout”, they may have only three or four items, but seem to go as s- l- o- w- as possible in bagging, as if there’s no one in line behind them (usually, there’s a line going), or decide that their “out of date” coupons should be honored (for which it would have been better to go to an acutal cashier, provided one is even open )…

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  3. Wolfavatar
    J W  about 10 years ago

    It looks like the guy is the next on line so it was him that failed to place the divider, at least around here. I never thought about that before; in other areas do people always place the divider behind their order?

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    davanden  about 10 years ago

    If she has to pay for them, she gets to keep them.

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    NoCents  about 10 years ago

    I keep trying to buy one of those dividers so I can use it at home but the darn checker puts it back on the shelf every time!

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    ott70  about 10 years ago

    The flip side are the customers who crowd you when you are trying to finish your transaction. I sometimes want to tell the cashier the person standing right next to me at the credit card swiper is going to pay for my groceries.

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    jersey stevens  about 10 years ago

    and sometimes the divider doesnt work. the clerks dont pay attention and start ringing up. I go, ’what about the rest".

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    lovecats Premium Member about 10 years ago

    As a former cashier I wish I could have said this to customers. I had many times that someone would get all upset if I scanned the next item and it wasn’t theirs but the next person in line. I, myself, either put the divider down after mine or between mine and the person in front.

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    Miba  about 10 years ago

    If only! I was imprisoned in a grocery store for 9 years, this kind of policy would have been great.

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    JayBluE  about 10 years ago

    Actually, I’ve seen some guys wait at the last minute, too- especially if it’s at a “fast food/take out restaurant”. Or if they wait untill they’re getting waited on, to then take the time to peruse the menu, instead of choosing before you get waited on, or even before getting in line…

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    ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Then she can take it to customer service and get a refund.

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    tegm  over 9 years ago

    Lol, you think this is bad? I used to live in a place where there were NO dividers, and everyone would just shove their groceries along with everyone else’s— and also, you had to bag your own groceries, so not only did you have to distinguish your own groceries from amongst those of others on the belt, but you’d have to distinguish them at the other end where the cashier would toss them along with the groceries of the person in front of you. And you might think that because of this, the person behind you in line might think to leave some kind of space between your groceries and theirs? No way! It would all be jumbled together, and it wasn’t uncommon for the cashier to start ringing up the items of the person behind you while still serving you. What a mess, it was so awful— you’d think the idea of having dividers would be a tiny and easy solution to this mess, but no supermarket would do it. So, honestly now that I live in a place where they have dividers, I don’t really care if it’s me or the person in front of me or behind me who puts them up, I’m just so glad to have them! :D

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