Monty by Jim Meddick for February 05, 2015

  1. Missing large
    stamps  about 10 years ago

    Had a couple of overdue books, eh, Moondog?

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  2. Black lion
    PICTO  about 10 years ago

    She hasnā€™t aged a bit since Moonie was in school.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 10 years ago

    Moondog, youā€™re all bark and no bite. ā€”Just another wussy scairdy-cat in polka-dot boxers and pseudo-Viking helmet!

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  4. Lonely bike
    aimlesscruzr  about 10 years ago

    He probably had the hots for her back then and did something stupidā€¦

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  5. Alistair cookie
    Sir Osis of Liver  about 10 years ago

    What is she doing there?

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  6. Avatar
    neverenoughgold  about 10 years ago

    Eno wants his polka dot boxers backā€¦

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  7. Dr horrible pinkraygun
    cupertino jay  about 10 years ago

    wo questions for the community:1) how long after ā€˜graduationā€™ to 7th grade might you have recognized any of your elementary school teachers,2) has that ever happened in your life?thanks in advance for answer to Q-2 is nevah, in spite of remaining in a town of ā€œonlyā€ ~50K for the next decade.

    time flies
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  8. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 10 years ago

    Itā€™s the students that are hard to recognizeā€¦.Short stubby boys stretch out and become basketball stars, and girls to shy to read aloud in class, in elementary and later, vamp it up to ā€œHey Big Spenderā€ and ā€œIf They Could See Me Nowā€ in the high school playā€¦Teachers like me just look older I thinkā€¦.The students look like brand new people, just a couple of years laterā€¦ā€¦.

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