Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for February 07, 2015

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    Observer fo Irony  about 10 years ago

    That was not very nice for Rose to tease Peekaboo like that, if she was going offer the food she should have least place it where Peekaboo could get to it.

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    Sharon Hayes  about 10 years ago

    My cats aren’t finicky at all. As soon as they hear the sound of the can being opened they come running. Of course, I do give them good quality food and I guess it tastes good too because they always clean their bowls.

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    abbybookcase  about 10 years ago

    it seems to be today’s trend. Lio also had a cat disdaining her food today thing. even more vigorously. the cat gave a cruel review on a blog.

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    BlinkyPuddleJumper  about 10 years ago

    When it was treat time my little Emma used to stomp her paws, marching back and forth in front of the door until I got up and dished out her tuna snack.

    My Butters was farm drop off before he acquired us, so he’s so eager for his food, he’ll headbutt my hand out of the way when I’m filling his bowl.

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    DKHenderson  11 months ago

    If I didn’t shut my cats into separate rooms, my hobbit-cat Frodo would inhale his dinner and then race to gobble everyone else’s food before they could finish. No snubbing from him!

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