I avoid YouTube for that reason. One night I saw a link to “world’s greatest guitar player,” then watched a lot of Chet Atkins videos (to see the “real” world’s greatest guitar player in action, even if he is no longer with us), then started watching Emmylou Harris videos. Wasted four hours, literally, before I came to my senses. No self-discipline.
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
Good morning my friends. He has ADHD. Have a spectacular day everyone.
Starman1948 almost 10 years ago
@cdward: a very good point! Have a great day my friend.
damifid0 almost 10 years ago
Good morning readers of DOCK. :)
jbmlaw01 almost 10 years ago
I avoid YouTube for that reason. One night I saw a link to “world’s greatest guitar player,” then watched a lot of Chet Atkins videos (to see the “real” world’s greatest guitar player in action, even if he is no longer with us), then started watching Emmylou Harris videos. Wasted four hours, literally, before I came to my senses. No self-discipline.
Marathon Zack almost 10 years ago
My guess is that chart was showing decreasing attention…Oh, look, panda cubs going down a slide!
bryan42 almost 10 years ago
This comic has some real gems but they are, unfortunately, spread out between these boring and interminable “connection addict” ’toons.