Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for April 19, 2010

  1. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  almost 15 years ago

    Jeff sounds like a thinking mans catcher. Now if Derek has some control…….

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  2. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 15 years ago

    So all Jeff cares about is Derek’s band too?

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  3. Pierre bear small
    OldGreyBear  almost 15 years ago

    Did “Jeff” ask and answer his own question?

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    Observe69  almost 15 years ago

    Jeff Karoub? He must live in the Littel Istanbul section of Milf.

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

    Could this actually get as corny as he sings while he pitches? I hope not.

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    MilfordAsstDA  almost 15 years ago

    In p1, Jeff (in catcher’s gear) is talking to Derek (you can tell by the hair and height) as Coach Spaz approaches and tells Jeff to take some bp.

    In p2, Bryce asks Jeff (as he is getting ready to put on his batting helmet) how Derek “looks” out there (presumably meaning on the pitching mound, although the way Bryce is smiling, it makes one wonder).

    In p3, Jeff (who has now donned his helmet) answers Derek, albeit in a vague fashion that has all Mudlark (and even some Tilden and Oakwood) fans wondering what the hell Derek does on the mound.

    My guess is that Derek makes his pitches “sing,” whatever the hell that means. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow, unless we switch back to Cassie and the on-going freeze-out by the girls’ softball team again.

    Any bets on how long until Cassie’s mom and dad call Dr. Pearl to complain about the harassment their daughter is suffering at the hands of Mimi and her band of willing Amazons?

    While were at it, any bets on how long until Marty Moon starts DIGging around into Derek’s history of law breaking (under-age drinking and labor law violations)? I can see it now. Moon goes undercover to the Pit to catch one of Derek’s shows, gets drunk, pukes all over a waitress, and then gets beaten to a pulp by a bouncer.

    This multi-story line has the potential to be as riveting and thought-provoking as the last one involving Cassie, Steve, and Ray. Right?

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  7. Judge
    thejudge  almost 15 years ago

    Singing while he pitches a la Orel Hersheiser.

    Though instead of “Bringing in the Sheaves” Derek will be singing some obscure Gram Parsons tune.

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  8. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 15 years ago

    It’s the sound of the ball when its lands in the catchers mit.


    Derek has a major league fastball, championship here we come.

    Where’s Cassie…..snif.

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    AmericanJones  almost 15 years ago

    You can go “POP” all day long but if it’s not over the plate you still have nothing. Even if he gets it over the plate Cassie will get her claws into him and there goes his promising pitching career at Milford.

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    GilTherapist  almost 15 years ago

    Derek Chance is the long lost son of Mark “The Bird” Fidrich.

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