Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 20, 2015

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    Argythree  about 10 years ago

    Oh, okay. So Wiley figures it’s only men who are annoyed by being told that they should eat something ‘because it’s good for them’. News flash: not.

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    hsawlrae  about 10 years ago

    Time to shut him up…it’s getting too hot in there.

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    Aaberon  about 10 years ago

    “food to take you to you bliss”: Somewhere along the way, I’ve missed this part. I think all of that began with the invention of the TV flipper and the ability to blast thru commercials. Guess I’m lucky, at least that way.

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  4. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 10 years ago

    Real men do eat quiche, Wiley.

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    Varnes  about 10 years ago

    James, I like the kind from Sisco-Frostpack and Gordon Food Service….They hardly have any cheese in them….I don’t like cheese, but I love Quiche…

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    Varnes  about 10 years ago

    OK, how long before some idiot leaves a post about how Wiley is starting a War On Men?…….10, 9, 8…..

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    Dr_Zinj  about 10 years ago

    Real men eat whatever they damn well want. Come to think of it, so do real women. Seems like too many women have no idea how refreshing it is for a guy to take one on a dinner date and not listen to her whine for 30 to 45 minutes about all the things she can’t have on the menu.

    She says we’ll both have the steak, with mushrooms and onions, au gratin potatoes, brocolli, and a beer.

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    puddlesplatt  about 10 years ago

    Shutup…and eat it, that’s whats your getting… now shut your beer hole, and eat

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    dabugger  about 10 years ago

    Wow, Kate has the answer to such hot wind. Just so everyone is still warmed up. So now we are promoting healthy eats? Oh well, it will lead to more stories a little off the ‘for real’ track.

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    dflak  about 10 years ago

    My wife is an excellent cook and cooks “healthy” almost all the time. All the meals, even he good stuff is delicious.

    My problem isn’t that I eat too much of the bad stuff; I eat too much of the good stuff.

    Nonetheless, I am convinced that there is nothing one can do to broccoli to make it fit for human consumption. I must have tried it 25 different ways and still can’t find a way I can even tolerate.

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  11. Danae
    Wiley creator about 10 years ago

    One of the things I hate most about the internet is the need so many people have to make an argument out of anything and everything, and do so with the childish tactic of applying bizarre absolutes to refute anything that’s been said.

    “Not ALL (men/women/lawyers/athletes, whatever the topic is) are like that!”. Well, duh. You cannot apply anything to any group of people, no matter how much it’s based in fact, and have it apply to universally.

    Child, please. Citing an exception does not disprove the rule. Grow up.

    Then there’s the hilariously insipid attempt to employ a tired old quip as a counter point, only to have it ironically support the other’s point. We see that here with, “real men don’t eat quiche”. My only hope here is that it was meant to be ironic. Have you bothered to look at the ingredients for making quiche? It’s almost nothing but fatty, artery-clogging junk that has almost no nutritional value.

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  12. Foghorn
    Erichalfbee  about 10 years ago


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    ChukLitl Premium Member about 10 years ago

    The quiche thing was an ‘80s parody about “real men.”If you’ve got something to prove you’re a wannabee.

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    KEA  about 10 years ago

    new word: logy – gotta remember that

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    Seed_drill  about 10 years ago

    My wife is vegan. We share approximately 0% of our food. Actually, I’ll force feed myself some of her steamed vegetables as a side dish, because I should, but that’s about it. She won’t even share my rice, pasta or potatoes, because they’re “empty calories.”

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    RVLDeJung Premium Member about 10 years ago

    “Too many ads here lately… I read 35 comic strips a day.” Solution? Simple! Become a Go Comics PRO member for 99¢/month or $11.88/year. Unless you really are a pauper or your religion forbids you for paying for anything on the Internet, stump up the cash, reap the benefits and don’t be such a skinflint!

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  17. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 10 years ago

    I once hid fresh spinach in a salad to get a friend to eat one of the foods she hated.

    as to quiche – though there is much in quiche that could be considered ‘unhealthy’…. it is made with eggs. An egg. High in iron. High in protein. High in vitamin A. A large egg is 70 calories. 50% of your daily allotment of B12.

    I like eggs. And here’s a list of some of their eggy goodness … from the Canadian Egg Marketing Board located at


    Carries oxygen to the cells, helps prevent anemia – the iron in eggs is easily absorbed by the body

    Vitamin A

    Helps maintain healthy skin and eye tissue; assists in night vision

    Vitamin D

    Strengthens bones and teeth; may help protect against certain cancers and auto-immune diseases

    Vitamin E

    An antioxidant that plays a role in maintaining good health and preventing disease

    Vitamin B12

    Helps protect against heart disease


    Helps produce and maintain new cells; helps prevent a type of anemia, helps protect against serious birth defects if taken prior to pregnancy and during the first 3 months of pregnancy


    Essential for building and repairing muscles, organs, skin, hair and other body tissues; needed to produce hormones, enzymes and antibodies; the protein in eggs is easily absorbed by the body


    Works with vitamin E to act as an antioxidant to help prevent the breakdown of body tissues

    Lutein and zeaxanthin

    Maintains good vision; may help reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration


    Plays a strong role in brain development and function

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