Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for February 09, 2015
A simple proposal to stop gerrymandering Rule 1: all districts in a state must have equal area. Rule 2: 1/3 of each district must be shaped like the word gerrymandering! If the districts aren't very gerrymandered, the word will be subsumed in the larger shape. Gerrymandering! If it is gerrymandered, citizens will be able to tell at a glance. This won't make gerrymandering impossible. I represent the proud people of Illinois district 4! But it might change the incentives a bit. Which one is that? The middle one.
Ida No almost 10 years ago
Since no one as any other alternatives at all, I’m all for this approach.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Once we achieve control over where people are allowed to live, we will be able to do without gerrymandering. Of course, if you have to gerrymander to get one party vote district out of a majority of opposing votes, you are going to be outvoted anyway, by the surrounding districts.
Olddog1 almost 10 years ago
Equal area? So one district may have 8000 people and another could have 800,000.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Why else would we be advocating government sponsored low income housing?According to the New Gore Anti-automotive plan, we have to force everybody to live within walking distance of public transportation in planned urban communities.I, for one, welcome our new Luddite Overlords.
lopaka almost 10 years ago
the house of no-representation will probably attempt to pass legislation outlawing thinking like that.
loner34 almost 10 years ago
Gerrymandering has been practiced by both parties since… well since the beginning. ;>)