The batteries in the remote control died! So get up off the couch and change them. Need I remind you that your speaking to someone using a remote control?
i remember the clicker. mom complained cause dad always controlled it. now he’ll be off doing stuff and the one in use now, she can’t get to work for her.oh well
metagalaxy1970 almost 10 years ago
When we were kids, my mom had a remote: us.
mantydad almost 10 years ago
i have comcast and there is no way to change the channel without the remote.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Agreed Mike.
riceller01 almost 10 years ago
When we were kids, back in the 60’s the first remotes connected with a cable. The first true remote (called a clicker) was from Zenith.
abbybookcase almost 10 years ago
i remember the clicker. mom complained cause dad always controlled it. now he’ll be off doing stuff and the one in use now, she can’t get to work for her.oh well