The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for March 05, 2015
March 04, 2015
March 06, 2015
Brutus: I have an appointment with my doctor.
Ramona: Are you ill?
Brutus: No - I just want to see what kind of shape I'm in.
Ramona: Why don't you just look in a mirror, porky?
One can be out of shape and in better shape than those who appear to be in shape.
My whole life I’ve looked out of shape, people make fun of me but my cholesteral is perfect, my sodium levels perfect, my blood pressure, everything and
my best friend who looks good has deadly high cholesteral and eats tons of bacon and ice cream all the time, can’t put on any weight but he is likely
Baarorso almost 10 years ago
“I hate to tell you this, Mother Gargle, but you look like death warmed over yourself.” ;-D
pdking77 almost 10 years ago
She’s just like my mother-in-law….or vice versa.
angelfiredragon almost 10 years ago
One can be out of shape and in better shape than those who appear to be in shape.
My whole life I’ve looked out of shape, people make fun of me but my cholesteral is perfect, my sodium levels perfect, my blood pressure, everything and
my best friend who looks good has deadly high cholesteral and eats tons of bacon and ice cream all the time, can’t put on any weight but he is likely
to die first because his health is horrible.
Looks are not accurate.
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
Why don’t you, Mother Gargoyle?
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
If she took her own advice, her hair style would cause 7 years of bad luck. (The mirror would break…)
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
Hey, Mother? Gargoyle. Why don ‘t you join me. They’re having a twofer at the doctors.
boldyuma almost 10 years ago
Brutus should say to her…“Mother Gargoyle I can diet for a month and not be porky..In a month YOU will still be ugly.”