Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 12, 2015
Narrator: Rip and Co. have jumped onboard a train hauling the Highwayman and a bunch of stolen loot! Highwayman: Haywire> W-we can settle this like civilized adults... Cobra Carson: Rip always had trouble passing "Diplomacy 101" in adventure school. Breezy: Rip, wait for me! Rip Haywire: No time, Breezy! this might be my only chance to catch the Highwayman! Highwayman: Quit following' me, Haywire... you're worse than TMZ! Rip Haywire: GAHH! Why? Why can I never hear goons with wrenches? Breezy: Rip, are you all right? Rip Haywire: I got hit from behind! Did you see where the Highwayman went? Breezy: I saw someone run into that airplane hangar. Rip Haywire: Where's Cobra? Breezy: She didn't follow us off the train car... she's probably guarding the stolen bank money. Rip Haywire: I'm sure she'll do the right thing. Breezy: Rip, we've talked about how sarcasm isn't really your thing. Rip Haywire: Look! It's the Highwayman! He's stolen that plane!
Rod Gonzalez almost 10 years ago
A new Sunday strip for Rip?
The mind Ka – boggles!
Linda Solomon almost 10 years ago
Dan great job of putting them altogether for us. Thank You!!
punchydugan almost 10 years ago
What a swell surprise! Thanks Mr. Thompson.
johnrussco almost 10 years ago
don’t you just hate it when that double stuff happens?
johnrussco almost 10 years ago
DAN! What can one say? … except I LOVE IT!!
B LeCren almost 10 years ago
So maybe we’ll find out exactly what happened to the loot this time? Nice to Ka-rerun these Dan, hope you can tie up some loose ends?
Dragoncat almost 10 years ago
Ah, yes… That classic moment with The Highwayman. Don’t you just love how Rip settles matters such as those like the civilized adult that he is?
CYGNUS X1 almost 10 years ago
Dear Dan, I was thinking you could start at the beginning like the series binge on Count Down to Decades channel. :)
But this will work…..