Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 21, 2008

  1. 01 26 05 1619
    IamNoMan  over 16 years ago

    Whaddya bet someone at APA approved that list, wink wink nudge nudge?

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 16 years ago

    It’s still warm because of the toxicity

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 16 years ago

    Wow, America’s so lucky no leftist ever slimed a conservative.

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    Eugeno  over 16 years ago

    Yes - especially since there was/is such a preponderance of conservative example to draw upon. Yet ad hominem is still an invalid rhetorical tactic - too bad hardly anyone has had the opportunity to study it any more, since forensic speech has largely gone away in the schools, mostly because of conservative budget cuts.

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  5. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    You can see parts of it yourselves at and

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  6. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    runar, where did you find that? Is it serious, or a joke? If it’s not a joke whoever wrote it is right on the money.

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    Grokenstein, you've said that before, but you've never answered my question: who said that?

    Nobody that I know stumped for Nader in 2000 but is stumping for Obama today. (To vote is one thing, of course, but to actively campaign is another.) So who are these progressive flip-floppers???

    Edit: I've read elsewhere that Michael Moore stumped for Nader in 2000 but is stumping for Obama in 2008. But he'd already flipped in 2004 to stump for Kerry, so he doesn't fit Grok's pattern.

    Surely there must be somebody who does, but I don't think that it's common!

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