Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 02, 2015
HARVEY RICHARDS Lawyer for children Have you or your loved one been injured by a sibling? Being a lawyer for children is not without its risks Woman: Mr. Richards, your 2:30 is in the conference room. Harvey: Thank you lisa. Have: Lets see...this involves a case of the cooties? Boy: Yes! we want Ethan out of our club because he has cooties! Harvey: Hmm... By laws are in order. How did Ethan allegedly get cooties? Boy: AmeliaF, A known cooties carrier, touched all our coats in the classroom.... Boy2" you know -- "circle circle dot dot Now you've got your cootie shot" Harvey: Of course. open an dish case. without the first and second shots, Ethan is infected with cooties. Boy; Second shot? Harvey: yes, yes "circle circle, square square, Now you've got it everywhere" The host that protects you in every location, not just where you get the shots. Boy: you need that second shot? Harvey: good lord! Harvey: ...and in the future, I want all clients who enter my office properly cootie screened!
pumaman almost 10 years ago
I like Cooties. I play it all the time.
Stryk428 almost 10 years ago
Cooties originally were head lice. Then they became something imaginary.
Kip W almost 10 years ago
I was more of a Tickle bee guy, but I liked saying “Cooties!” The actual danger from touching infested individuals at Dunn Elementary was more in the form of fleas, against which one could be protected by penning “F.I.” for Flea Insurance on your wrist.
Considering that fleas were said to issue from low-status classmates, it’s nigh-miraculous that I wasn’t a vector. I wonder what other bullets I dodged then.
King_Shark almost 10 years ago
@ Stryk428: Growing up, I never heard the word. The first time I read it it was supposed to be lice.
Malcolm Hall almost 10 years ago
My first attempt at origami was a cootie catcher. Then came the flapping wing bird. And, well, that was it…. I never could make a good sailor’s hat.
jpozenel almost 10 years ago
Cooties…the Ebola of the young…or lawyers representing them.
kapock almost 10 years ago
The enemy within, Harvey: In case you haven’t noticed, Lisa is a girl, and ergo a major cooties problem.