Good morning MC friends. Boone is about to get a very special surprise. How will he react? Y’all have an exciting day my friends.
My comment of this becoming a sitcom is starting to become true. Don’t know how I feel honestly.
Talk about going off on a tangent…..Get back to the plot! Sheesh
Did Lou’s temp body just walk into the saloon?
EVERYONE: if you are switching to Daylight Savings Time don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night.
He hasn’t figured out that this new one is from Qesteron 5, where they have five genders.
I believe we are going to meet Lou’s temp…..
@Poodle Groomer: very true. Have a great weekend my friend.
How did the guy suddenly shift stools?
@StoicLion and cindyorch: yes, I believe that is Lou’s temporary body.
Paige Braddock
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
Good morning MC friends. Boone is about to get a very special surprise. How will he react? Y’all have an exciting day my friends.
Miny Boy about 10 years ago
My comment of this becoming a sitcom is starting to become true. Don’t know how I feel honestly.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 10 years ago
Talk about going off on a tangent…..Get back to the plot! Sheesh
StoicLion1973 about 10 years ago
Did Lou’s temp body just walk into the saloon?
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
EVERYONE: if you are switching to Daylight Savings Time don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 10 years ago
He hasn’t figured out that this new one is from Qesteron 5, where they have five genders.
cindyorch about 10 years ago
I believe we are going to meet Lou’s temp…..
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
@Poodle Groomer: very true. Have a great weekend my friend.
Malcolm Hall about 10 years ago
How did the guy suddenly shift stools?
Starman1948 about 10 years ago
@StoicLion and cindyorch: yes, I believe that is Lou’s temporary body.