Sluggo: BOY! Am I glad I DON'T have a SMARTPHONE! Texting, e-mailing, games, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram! What a WASTE! No time left for the important stuff in LIFE! Like NAPS!
Luddites don’t believe in any advanced technology. It’s not just about so-called smart phones.- I have a desktop at home and a flip phone for emergencies; I have yet to crash my car because I was so busy texting that I didn’t notice a car in front of me (couple of wrecks happened that way this week).
atomicdog almost 10 years ago
That’s what airplane mode is for.
atomicdog almost 10 years ago
Is there a character in “Nancy” who isn’t a Luddite?
rondm66 almost 10 years ago
There’s Sam.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Luddites don’t believe in any advanced technology. It’s not just about so-called smart phones.- I have a desktop at home and a flip phone for emergencies; I have yet to crash my car because I was so busy texting that I didn’t notice a car in front of me (couple of wrecks happened that way this week).
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
Fritzi is quite tech-savvy. Look at the strips where she had to work around to get her column in in time.
loner34 almost 10 years ago
You’ve got it right Sluggo!
Deleted Account2623 about 4 years ago
This didn’t age well, because Jaimes-era Sluggo has a smartphone