I’ve always wondered why Cleo ran in a straight line? Airplanes can’t turn as quickly as dogs can. When they’re flying that low, run towards them at an angle. They’ll dip a wing trying to turn, and catch it on the ground. Beautiful cartwheel, parts and pilot all over the place.
I think we should give special props where props are due to the mysterious @katina.cooper for the following quote yesterday on the Ballard Street wayback machine:
“And, only one more day to go until there will only be 8 more months to go before they don’t fix Sherpa again.”
As I said this morning on AaPSP, “I love this quote so much I want to buy it dinner and take it dancing.”
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
Heh, heh, I think he’s related to my cat!
Morning, Marg!
margueritem over 14 years ago
‘Morning ejcapulet. I read your story about the baby Tylenol yesterday. Did you offer to sell the Dr. some?
Buster, it just doesn’t look good on you….
grapfhics over 14 years ago
morning all Same question my dogs ask about driving, thank heavens for their lack of opposable thumbs.
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
It’s a primate thing.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
Buster, it’s only good by comparison with the rest of Ted’s life. (And you got a couple of the details wrong).
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
Here we are back on Mt Ruffmore:
Nobody can make a suit look good like Cary Growl!
Tigressy over 4 years ago
And – as StelBel promised – the poster for that famous movie:
The human version isn’t bad, either:
GROG Premium Member over 4 years ago
You got to walk a mile in his shoes before you can truly judge.
GROG Premium Member over 4 years ago
Cleo looks like she can take off, herself.
Farside99 over 4 years ago
I’ve always wondered why Cleo ran in a straight line? Airplanes can’t turn as quickly as dogs can. When they’re flying that low, run towards them at an angle. They’ll dip a wing trying to turn, and catch it on the ground. Beautiful cartwheel, parts and pilot all over the place.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
Buster has often heard Ted talk about not criticizing others till you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. So he thought he would test that theory.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago
Another masterful poster, StelBel.
Really, what can you say about a Hitchdog picture that hasn’t already been said better by someone else?
Tigressy over 4 years ago
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 4 years ago
er.. um… hmmo, ebrybubby…. yawn…
no… I mean… um… Hello, everybody!
I made it!
I went grocery shopping this evening… first time I’ve been out in the car in just over 2 weeks…
Couldn’t put my head out the window cos I had to drive.
Besides, if you put your head out, you have to wear a mask… that’s what the ordinance says!
Except, it mentions talking to a peace officer, or to a curbside delivery person.
Anyhow…. I was only gone for about two hours, but I came home feeling like I needed a nap.
And I think I just inadvertently took it.
But I woke up to comment on
the April 30th 2020 “CLEO and COMPANY” ….
The ultimate April “Cleo” for 2020.
How time does fly.
Just like the crop duster in this poster… in attack mode…. sigh….
Regardless of the years, who could ever forget the imagery in this film?
The stark light, with, as I mentioned yesterday, the handsome, suave Cary Growl and the elegant Eva Marie Saint Bernard fleeing their pursuers …
clambering in basset fashion over that giant, cold, stone muzzle…..
Heart-stopping, indeed!
As has been mentioned tonight…. (Oh, the perils of being late…)
The humans did copy it.
Here’s a closer copy of Stel’s poster… in English…
(The Spanish version seems to be called “International Intrigue” … pretty generic!)
Those huge human sculptures have short, pointy “people muzzles” … really just noses.
Who could clamber about on one of those puny things?
Eva Marie St. Bernard always seemed a bit cool, as canines go…. but I have to admit she looks beautifully sleek in this film.
And I agree with Dennis… nobody does as much for a suit as Cary Growl!
BTW… I know his fur looks like Cleo’s… but that’s not her on this poster!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 4 years ago
OK, OK… so it wasn’t yesterday, it was Tuesday.
I did mention it.
I also meant to ask…
If the picture is “North by Northwest” …
Why do the arrows in both the canine and human versions point South by Southeast?
That reminds me of that so-called “celebrity” couple, who named their poor daughter “North” cos her last name is West.
Now that takes some thinkin’.
That’ll be so much fun for her by third grade or so.
Not that she’s actually poor, either… I dunno how old she is… 5 maybe?… but her wardrobe has already cost way more than my lifetime net worth.
What a world we live in.
I prefer the gentle worlds of the old-fashioned Cleveland that the Cliffords apparently still inhabit….
and Ballard Street, where Buster is still trying out Ted’s footwear.
Neither Cleo, nor Buster…. actually, very few comics dogs…. ever get in much trouble for the outrageous things they do.
Sometimes I think their owners are a bit wishy-washy about that…
But I’m glad there are safe worlds for such brilliant canines…
and felines….. bunnies… whatever animals roam these pages.
Heck, on Ballard Street we have a monkey sheriff (if he’d just get back here) and a partly canine police force.
And in “Cleo and Company,” we know who rules the roost.
I’d say “her name starts with a C”, but that’s not much of a hint.
I’m sure you can figure it out anyway.
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 4 years ago
I think we should give special props where props are due to the mysterious @katina.cooper for the following quote yesterday on the Ballard Street wayback machine:
“And, only one more day to go until there will only be 8 more months to go before they don’t fix Sherpa again.”
As I said this morning on AaPSP, “I love this quote so much I want to buy it dinner and take it dancing.”
MontanaLady over 4 years ago
All I can say is,,,,,, Sigh. Cary Growl.
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
Maybe it would feel right if Buster got shoes that fit.
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
GOOD MORNING BALLARDEERS! QD-48 Rained like a cow peein’ on a flat rock yesterday. A real toad strangler. 74F Tuesday. 46F this morning….GRrr
Eva Marie Saint Bernard? Hubba hubba.
Virtual (((((Hugs))))) all around. Be safe out there.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago
Buster should take some lessons from Scooter.
He does the human cosplay quite well.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago
So does Cleo.
katina.cooper over 4 years ago
So, is there a portly gentleman in that airplane? One that doesn’t want Cleo to get to the main page? Or scared to do anything against his masters?