Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for March 18, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    Methinks the proprietor doesn’t want to be held accountable if the customers keel over for heart attack, choking and the like.

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  2. Me2
    nighthawk1  almost 10 years ago

    It sure looks that way.

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  3. Screamin  on leash special
    WDemBlk Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Unless it’s a buffet, then it’s how much you put on the plate & how mn ay trips you’re willing to make.

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    neverenoughgold  almost 10 years ago

    How does “responsibly” taste?

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    K M  almost 10 years ago

    I remember the late John Pinette describing a trip to a Chinese buffet. On his attempt at a second pass through the buffet, the proprietor accosted him and screamed, “You go now!” Pinette protested, “But the sign says, ‘All you can eat’!” The proprietor replied, “That’s all you can eat! You go now! I make no money off you! You go now!”On a different angle, as commander-in-chief of Allied forces in Europe during WWII, Eisenhower visited the front on occasion to get the picture of how the war was actually going. On one such occasion, and over his protestations, the soldiers working the chow line tried to impress their boss by loading up his tray. Staring at this heap of food and wondering where he was going to put it, he sat down at a table only to read a small placard on the table on which was written, “Take all you want but eat all you take. By order of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander.” So he ate it all.

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    westny77  almost 10 years ago

    In this day and age I think they did away with this.With all the health rules and profit margins.

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