The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for March 26, 2015
Brutus: How dare you belittle me! I'll have you know I have many positive traits! Brutus: I am as wise as an owl, as loyal as a dog, as strong as an ox, as brave as a lion! Ramona: As stubborn as a mule, as lazy as a sloth, as fat as a pig, as bald as an eagle!
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Mother Gargle cuts like a knife !
clayusmcret Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Give “Mom” her daughter back. She’ll come around quickly.
Plods with ...™ almost 10 years ago
She doesn’t have a lot of room to talk.
ChazNCenTex almost 10 years ago
She forgot to say “and your little dog too!”.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 10 years ago
What about you, Mother Gargle…or should I say “Mother Gargoyle”!
gorbasche2 almost 10 years ago
Sorry, Brutus pays for the house, so it’d be “You will now exit my abode and not come back.”
sacldczoo almost 10 years ago
Eagles aren’t bald, they have white feathers. Vultures are bald!
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
Mother Gargoyle, Yo so ugly, the government moved Halloween to your birthday.Yo so ugly, you make onions cry.Yo so ugly, the monster under the bed just curls up in a ball and whimpers.Yo so ugly, you make dirt look like a supermodel.
banjinshiju almost 10 years ago
…and still better company than Mother Gargoyle.