Rubes by Leigh Rubin for March 24, 2015

  1. Frog4
    Digital Frog  almost 10 years ago

    Send in the clones…there must be clones…

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  2. Avatart
    Rwill  almost 10 years ago

    We are either being attacked by an army of clones, or just some cheap cut and pasting.

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  3. Avatar92
    Charlie Fogwhistle  almost 10 years ago

    I was a part of a CGI crowd scene once on a TV show. Didn’t hurt a bit. Just stayed inside the chalk lines for each portion of the shoot, and the computer guys did the rest.

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  4. Terror tim   copy
    Petemejia77  almost 10 years ago

    Put up the green screen!

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  5. Js
    mightyfrog  almost 10 years ago

    @Donald Donald Computer Generated Imagery – one of several special effects terms used to describe things created and rendered by computer software and composited into practical-shoot film footage. In this case they may be making fun of Lord of the Rings which created it’s vast armies by mixing real actors with virtual ones.

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