Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for March 23, 2015
Janis says, "Gene texted! He says Meg and he are planning the chicken coop!" Arlo says, "It still amazes me how handy he turned out!" Janis says, "Well, why not? You're handy!" Arlo says, "Yeah, but that's just it! I didn't teach him that stuff!" Arlo says, "Mostly, I remember him standing there watching!"
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Arlo. Let me splain teaching to you…..
GR6 almost 10 years ago
We remember 10 percent of what we read, 20 percent of what we hear, and 30 percent of what we see.
Major_JF almost 10 years ago
And I learned how to fix things because my Dad let me give it a try with him right there.
carlosrivers almost 10 years ago
i never helped my dad either, i was busy playing, so i learned when i got older, and a house of my own, boy, did i learn…
doublepaw almost 10 years ago
Are they planning chicken coop or chicken soup?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
You teach by doingYou don’t always realize what you are teachingIf you don’t consider what you are doingin the grand scheme of thingsespecially in the little things
Varnes almost 10 years ago
This a is a really funny cartoon…Says it all….We never know where our influence starts, and I don’t think it ever really ends….Gene will pass on skills and, other cultural heritage, to Meg that he learned from Arlo…..That’s how it works….I can’t throw away those little margarine tubs, because my parents went through the Great Depression….I was born in 1952, so the deprivations of the 30’s and then the War, weren’t exactly ancient history…I learned from them to save things you may need someday….It’s part of me…Because of something that happened in 1929….Over 20 years before I was born….If I had kids I bet they would have a few screw top jars in the cupboard just in case…
Ratbrat almost 10 years ago
My philosophy has always been that if something is doable, one can learn how to do it. The excuse of parents never teaching them is lame.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 10 years ago
first i watched when i was littlethan i helped when i was biggerthan i did because i needed tomostly i just watched it being done and learned to figure it out when it came my turn to do itpeople have asked me all my life -‘where did you learn to do that?’most of the time i say ‘oh i learned it from my dad or grandpa or father-in-law or friend’it is the way of life
nosirrom almost 10 years ago
One of my wallpaper pictures is of my son (about 3) and me putting together an Ikea cabinet. They don’t know that they’re learning if you make it fun.
ARLOS DAD almost 10 years ago
Teach your children well..I think there is a song about that…
Chrisstopher almost 10 years ago
Dad used to bring me old mower engines and electric motors home from work and let me use his tools to take them apart for fun.
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
I was never trained to fix PCs, I learned how by “tinkering”, which I got from my father. Only ever had one near-disaster. I tried to fix a power supply by changing out the fuse. Big. Mistake. When I turned it on, a shower of sparks shot out all the way to the ceiling and immediately tripped the circuit-breaker in the office. Guess there was a reason the fuse blew in the first place… :-)
3pibgorn9 almost 10 years ago
Didn’t help me at all. But, then, I wasn’t all that interested.
QuietStorm27 almost 10 years ago
That’s pretty much how I learned to cook. Watching, then asking a few questions when I was older and had to do it myself.
celeconecca almost 10 years ago
QuietStorm27Yep! Cooking (great-grandmother and mom) AND some woodworking (dad).
unca jim almost 10 years ago
If it weren’t for Harley-Davidson and the Ford Motor Co., I wouldn’t know which end of a wrench to hold. Well, my HS shop teacher might have helped, too..then there were the WWII years…the knowledge I’ve gathered is so old it’s called ‘lore’..
ursen1 almost 10 years ago
Wasn’t there a cartoon of Arlo and his handyman book collection? Sounds like me, read once, then do it. That and dad always was into something. Learned my cooking from Mom. My daughter is the handy one, my son being visually impaired turned into a master “people person” something I am not.
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
Varnes: I am a depression baby and I am still far ahead the pack on recycling. I studied appropriate technology at the ’76 UN conference and University of British Columbia, and taught it (non-credit) in Texas until 1982 when Reagan abolished the Bureau of Appropriate Technology and the corporate media has not mentioned it since. It is the way to have a higher standard of living without wrecking the planet by doing things as individuals and neighbors instead of only as multinational corporations.
Mark Tully Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“See one, do one, teach one.”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
@whisplickaMore likely Teach Your Children Well,Crosby, Stills and Nash
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
& Young
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
My dad made a cage that at one point held my pet rabbit, my pet rat, and a live turkey we got for Thanksgiving. (Small doors on wooden boxes for the animals.) Wooden slats, staples, hardware cloth. There was also a little door cut into the larger door to admit the smaller animals. When I was grown, I made the same thing for our menagerie. He didn’t necessarily “teach” me how to do this – I just knew, after hanging around the garage.
After I was married, I couldn’t get a decent recipe for beef stew or potato salad. Those dishes never seemed to come out right. Then a grand epiphany occurred: I’ll make them like Mom made them! Problem solved.
LuvThemPluggers almost 10 years ago
But kids always “remember” stuff that the parents have no recollection of and swear they never did. I don’t know why, but it seems pretty universal.
mcnutt over 2 years ago
Like Arlo, I had no idea. But I’ll do something around the house that The Wife™ has never seen me do before and ask, “Where did you learn to do THAT?”
Fatha teach. Long time ago.
mcnutt over 2 years ago
You son is ALWAYS watching.
tomfromthe50s Premium Member 12 months ago
The chickens are planning a coup?!