Women just do the chore, men seem to feel the need to make a grand declaration about it: Hear ye! Hear ye! I hereby declare that I have emptied the garbage! All is well now in the household!
Hahahahahahahaha! That is the truth! My husband exactly!
Dave, when did you meet my husband? :-D
You mean, like women?
My hubby never bragged about what he did around the house. He was brought up to help and that’s what he did.
women are too busy posting pictures of their food to Instagram
Hah! My significant other for sure.
If I’m not mistaken, the squirrel looks like he is giving a fist pump motion, saying good job dude, or something similar.
Day by Dave
Dave Whamond
April 10, 2015
May 31, 2017
starcandles Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Hahahahahahahaha! That is the truth! My husband exactly!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Dave, when did you meet my husband? :-D
hjkl; almost 10 years ago
You mean, like women?
rekam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
My hubby never bragged about what he did around the house. He was brought up to help and that’s what he did.
KEA almost 10 years ago
women are too busy posting pictures of their food to Instagram
mightyfrog almost 10 years ago
Hah! My significant other for sure.
Jeff0811 almost 10 years ago
If I’m not mistaken, the squirrel looks like he is giving a fist pump motion, saying good job dude, or something similar.