Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 10, 2015
Alice: Be quiet, you children! Stop all that fussing RIGHT NOW! Alice: If you don't I'll turn this thing around and we will go right back home! Alice: I have had it up to here with you! Alice: One more peep and I'm coming up there! Alice: This is your last warning! BEHAVE! Nara: Is that what your mom and dad say on car trips? Alice: No. But that's how moms and dads on TV shows act. Alice: My dad points out the window at boring things and my mom sings too loud with the radio. Who wants to play like that? Nara: Really.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
You have to draw your play-source material where you find it. So glad that’s not representative of the Otterloops, though!
Arianne almost 10 years ago
Oh, come on, Alice. Just one chorus of “The Wheels On the Buggy Go Round and Round.”
Dani Rice almost 10 years ago
You can tell a lot about parents by listening to their kids – and how the parents talk to the children in public. Sometimes I shudder to think what goes on behind closed doors.
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
even without closed doors!
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
Those are memories you will treasure one day, Alice.
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
Doesn’t anyone want to get your nose out of your device and play cow poker? Or the alphabet game?
NCTom Premium Member almost 10 years ago
a in all, b in back, c in coming, d in dad, e in really, f in find, g in go, h in happy, i in Dani, J in in in…..jack in the box!, k in
MrsSnape almost 10 years ago
They may not sound like YOUR parents Alice, but they certainly sound like mine!!!
K M almost 10 years ago
I was 19 or 20 riding in a car with Mom when she suddenly started singing along with the radio. I was startled. I’d never heard her sing in the first place. She stopped singing right after that; I think she was surprised that I was startled.