The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for May 03, 2015

  1. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    That’s not how it works, you worthless piece of……oops, I kinda got carried away there….

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, if I could only get back the hours I’ve spent explaining to dozens of people the difference between what something is supposedly “worth” and what they can actually get for it.

    And in part of the process, trying to explain that Aunt Ethel’s necklace wasn’t really 1000 year old jade if it melted, … and that silver-plated cigarette lighter couldn’t have been been in their family for 400 years.

    And Revolutionary War muskets don’t say “Made in India” no matter what Uncle Ralph said about his grandfather buying it from a trading ship..

    (Except for the names, those are actual true examples from my experience.)

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  3. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 10 years ago

    You notice that Burl is wanting to sell Joy’s property, not his. Although he would just as willingly try to sell his own. He give “reptilian brain” a bad name.

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  4. Underdog2
    Under Dog Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Check out the clown in the first panel. The guy in the scooter has a box of rocks.

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  5. 170
    finale  almost 10 years ago

    Something akin to the value of your house; what a Realtor says it’s worth, what the Assessor says it’s worth, what a prospective buyer will give you for it and what you think it’s value is. Often very disparate amounts.

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  6. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    ….two bowling pins….a 50’s style TV set (gin-you-wine rabbit ears!!)….a boonet-style salon hair dryer……..a lava lamp….and, my guess is the clown wasn’t a real person but a statue that got scarfed up that quick by a rabid collector…..yep, Toto…..I think we ARE in Crustwood, anyhow!!

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