Sincere thanks for the informative reply. If I get back to Richmond someday, I may make a side-trip. I was last in Richmond in 2000. The EMTs and ER staff were so nice, even if the diagnosis was way wrong. But I digress.
The Short Pump history is familiar to me at least in pattern since I live down the road a piece (a nice Pluggerism there) from another former tavern-town, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, now one of the largest (and growing!) shopping complexes in the U.S.
And while I’m on the subject… I’ve not done exhaustive research, but I get the impression that Pennsylvania is the only state whose name you abbreviate in your little credit box. As I think back to having to learn to write “Philadelphia, Pennsylvania” with a dip-pen in fourth grade, I can appreciate the need, but almost nobody besides you uses “Penn.” “Penna.” is what I learned in school and saw for many years until the USPS imposed the standard two-letter abbreviations where I can never be sure which is MA, ME, MI, MN, or MS. At least PA stands alone (or did until Canada came up with PE).
Reading back over this I realize that even though I’ve never owned a pickup truck, I really am a Plugger!
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Short Pump, VA? I’m sure it’s a very nice place (or at least I hope so), but the name’s pretty hilarious.
IndyMan almost 10 years ago
The look on the clerk’s face is pure: Oh, goody, another one ! Boy, this is a boring job ! ! ! !
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Sincere thanks for the informative reply. If I get back to Richmond someday, I may make a side-trip. I was last in Richmond in 2000. The EMTs and ER staff were so nice, even if the diagnosis was way wrong. But I digress.
The Short Pump history is familiar to me at least in pattern since I live down the road a piece (a nice Pluggerism there) from another former tavern-town, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, now one of the largest (and growing!) shopping complexes in the U.S.
And while I’m on the subject… I’ve not done exhaustive research, but I get the impression that Pennsylvania is the only state whose name you abbreviate in your little credit box. As I think back to having to learn to write “Philadelphia, Pennsylvania” with a dip-pen in fourth grade, I can appreciate the need, but almost nobody besides you uses “Penn.” “Penna.” is what I learned in school and saw for many years until the USPS imposed the standard two-letter abbreviations where I can never be sure which is MA, ME, MI, MN, or MS. At least PA stands alone (or did until Canada came up with PE).
Reading back over this I realize that even though I’ve never owned a pickup truck, I really am a Plugger!
ladylagomorph76 almost 10 years ago
Paper…crayons…tape. TA DA! Any hat a plugger kid could want!
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
I doubt I would visit a store with this kind of stuff!.Where are the power tools located?