Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for April 08, 2015

  1. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  almost 10 years ago


. you can’t tell the difference between a curler or a cruller in ’your present condition


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  2. Image
    Starman1948  almost 10 years ago

    Good morning Andy fans. ____@beviek: you have outdone yourself with today’s rose, et al.____@Eldo: nice rolling pin, indeed!____Be happy and healthy my friends.

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  3. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    “whynot leave the address to the strip ?”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was thinking the same thing.

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  4. 48024995
    maverick1usa  almost 10 years ago


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  5. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    “You’re ugly!”“You’re drunk!”“Yes, but I’ll be sober in the morning!”

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    My favorite all-time rolling pin joke was a “Hagar the Horrible”: his wife is pictured in their cottage sitting in a chair by the door, late on a full moon night, holding a rolling pin in her hand. You just KNOW there’s a-gonna be trouble. Then when Hagar comes in, he says, “I brought the flour” and Helga smiles and replies, “Oh, goodie!” I just love that twist ending.

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 10 years ago

    @Number ThreeIf my turn for a song comes up I’d like “I Am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel.

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  8. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 10 years ago

    They were probably ‘new’ about 10 years ago.


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  9. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 10 years ago

    Gweedo – It’s legal here !!! – Murray said, about 23 hours ago

    This from South Park Wiki: “He temporarily replaced Kenny as the fourth member of the “main” group during the time period in which Kenny was considered “permanently dead”.”I get a kick out of Butters.-Lady ! YOU have some wicked tastes ! The quality was workable. I wouldn’t want to go sideways on the matter. -Thanks !-GIRL !!! I WISH !!!!! Re your sun avoidance scheme.. I was looking for a ‘bipperty bopperty hat’. That one had a person under it and whatta person !!The place where I get my faces is down.-I’ll be waiting.-I hope so too ! Are you looking in jobs wanted ads in the paper ?-I can see where your “work shedyule” keeps you from catching the best in programmes. (insert missing laughy here]That one show is worth a look. It normally doesn’t block me either, but the screen appeared briefly when I popped back in last night. -I haven’t been Fooling the horses lately. I watched Ed as a kid and believe I like it even better now.-May your Weddins’day be wellies !__________________________________________________

    I’ve looked at the South Park Wiki a number of times but I don’t think I’ve ever come across that bit of info. Thanks!-I like Butters! He’s so cute.-I don’t like the MTV videos being lodged in Beavis & Butthead episodes but it’s sometimes fun to hear B&B slander them.-If there weren’t computers around, I would most likely look through the newspaper but now that we are living in the modern world, I search job websites. There are some websites where you can upload your CV. My CV looks impressive because I had help with the layout and how to make it look professional. If anybody asks, I’m going to say that I got a little help with it because I don’t like taking credit for something I haven’t done. I did do some of it on my own though.-Unfortunately, GoComics is becoming less of a priority every day. No offence but it’s becoming boring now. I’ve had more fun at the dentist. I still comment because I’m faithful.-I hope your Wednesday is good.

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  10. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 10 years ago

    Song of the Day – Requested by Gweedo Murray:


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  11. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 10 years ago

    I have solved the red noses mystery from yesterday.It was the fault of the USA colorist, whoever that is. Roger Mahoney gives the ladies dirty noses to indicate they have done a hard day’s work. The US colorist assumes that any dirty nose must be made red which usually means intoxicated. Look at this ’toon from the Mirror.

    No red noses.

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  12. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 10 years ago

    Number Three said earlier:“Unfortunately, GoComics is becoming less of a priority every day. No offence but it’s becoming boring now. I’ve had more fun at the dentist. I still comment because I’m faithful.”@Number Three“More fun at the dentist” now that’s funny. However you should not stay here out of any sense of obligation. If you are not enjoying being here, do what I and others have done: Take a short vacation to recharge your batteries (read: enthusiasm) and come back to us when you’re rarin’ to go. Works for me.♄

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  13. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 10 years ago

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