New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for March 30, 2015

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 10 years ago

    Indiana is pretty small. You can drive through it without stopping.

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    Sherlock Watson  almost 10 years ago

    People who use religion as an excuse for bigotry give me a pain Indiana.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Liberals are some of the most bigoted, Sherlock. They want forced acceptance of their lifestyles, through the courts. Why would they WANT to give their money to a business that doesn’t approve of them? There’s one that will I’m certain. My thoughts are they willingly go to a business that they know will have an issue based on their convictions and therefore demand service from them or take them to court and ultimately bankrupting them out of business. This way they bully any opposition out of their way. They tried to trap Dan Cathy, founder of Chick-Fil-A, by asking him a question KNOWING what his response would be so they could label him a bigot after the fact.It’s all an agenda to silence those that don’t agree with them.

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    @PianoBigot24It’s funny how ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’ always seem to be on the side of repression and spite.

    It’s about time that religion was treated the same as any other form of unsavory entertainment. It should be tolerated, but its nastier side should be curtailed as much as possible.

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    vwdualnomand  almost 10 years ago

    maybe those businesses who have deeply held religious beliefs should display a sign in front of their establishment that say so. For example, only catholics can shop here. Or, lutherans can’t shop here. Or, no pork served here. Or, no one wearing different types of cloths can shop here. Or, they are closed on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    You guys are all missing the issue that these groups are targeting Christian businesses deliberately to force them to close up shop that’s bigotry and hatred right there by your groups.If a Christian couple went into a Muslim bakery to demand a cake baked like a Crross for their kid’s Baptism and they refused but the Christian sued th you’d ALL be frothing at the mouth angry at the Chritians and defend the Muslims and ask the same question of why they’d want to go to a Muslim bakery in the first place.

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    boomerjohn911  almost 10 years ago

    PianoGuy,I think a major point seems to have been misunderstood in this whole argument. You mentioned that the courts are forcing people to accept “their” lifestyle. It is basic to try and understand that being gay isn’t a chosen lifestyle, but rather a life that is lived in honest acceptance of the way we all are created with all of our many differences. We all build our lives on any number of biological givens. Some folks are more physically gifted with the body type and mental wiring that would lead them to be NFL football players. Other folks may polish their natural gifts to become a concert pianist, or rocket scientist, or whatever. We are all born sexual beings. When the hormones kick in during puberty, we all are attracted to people we find attractive and appropriate for us. Some guys like girls, and some guys like guys. Humans are just built that way. Any institutional discrimination based on the refusal to accept this fact is, I think, unconstitutional.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    @steverinoIf the business isn’t taking Government money to stay open then it’s a PRIVATE business! Private homes are due all those services too but you can’t barge into their homes and demand anything from them.

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    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I live in Indiana
.now I live in shame.

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    kattbailey  almost 10 years ago

 the law says I have to be allowed anywhere the public is (I’ll be in my wheelchair). So if the only bakery in town will serve me, because of the law that says there must be a way for me to get in, has to serve the person of the other race, because of the law, has to serve the Buddhist, because of the law
 why is the law saying that the gay couple (and are they supposed to pretend the bride was deployed and couldn’t make the tastings so the best man was instead, and then when the cake arrives at the wedding have something faked so that they aren’t rubbing the bakery’s face in it, while every other couple can actually live (which if you’re gay is doing things like getting into hospital rooms to their loved ones and holding hands in public and a hundred other things that gays are out of line doing!) Either no person has PDAs outside of blood relationships or we should admit that we aren’t forcing other couples to only show affection in their homes!

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    Don Winchester Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    @motivemagusRacism is wrong on all counts.Gays aren’t a race.I’m a business that works out of my home. There’s not a sign on my door that says, “Come in”. I don’t discriminate. But if someone doesn’t want another’s money, that’s their right. Just drop it and find another business that WILL cater to their fragile feelings.

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    Alicelth Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I know of a Cornish couple, Hazelmary and Peter Bull who were sued by a gay couple. The gay couple wanted to stay at the bed and breakfast owned and run by Mr and Mrs Bull, but were refused because to let the gay couple violated their Christian beliefs. The gay couple sued the Bulls up to the British Supreme court and won. The Bulls were ordered to compensate them 3,600 pounds in damages.

    What the article doesn’t state is that as a result of lawsuit, the Bulls have lost their livelihood and their home. Where is the justice? The Bulls are in their 70s. Where is THEIR justice?

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    lindaf  almost 10 years ago

    Funny, my religion does not forbid gays to marry. But I am repressing the Christian “right” to do so, by allowing something my religion has no problem with. So—it’s freedom to practice only YOUR religion. Right?

    And I say the Christians should picket the Muslim bakery, too.

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    scpandich  almost 10 years ago

    Given that most states and the national government have similar laws or their constitutions are interpreted as providing similar protections, I believe Mr. Wilde might want to find someplace other than the United States to be if that is his opinion.

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