Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for April 11, 2015
Arlo: Reports say much of our seafood is caught by enslaved fishermen in the far east! Arlo: A lot of that goes into popular brands of pet food! Arlo: It's poultry and beef until I know whom to trust! Sorry! Janis: I think I like it better when speak gibberish to him!
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Dirty dirt is better for you…..
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Unfortunately, it’s here, even though you can’t see it…..Trafficking in women is big business…
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Hey, wait a minute, he never talks gibberish to Luddy…
Labhrainn almost 10 years ago
I wonder if Luddy appreciates Arlo’s use of whom.
doublepaw almost 10 years ago
bawana-read some history, the world has always been full of slavery and full of war. It was and is more orderly only for the ones in control of course, as they were and are the only ones to appreciate slavery.
jbmlaw01 almost 10 years ago
Bawana does not realize that free market economies do not go to war against each other – it costs too much. That is the only consistent variable for peace.
ARLOS DAD almost 10 years ago
I talk to Rudy (pictured) and he talks back to me….
Uncle Bob almost 10 years ago
I’m an enslaved fisherman. I can’t go fishing until I finish everything on the “honey do” list…
Francis Lapeyre Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Actually, fish isn’t ideal for cats. Meat is. They are obligate carnivores, and meat has the best balance of amino acids.
Cats cannot be vegetarian and survive; they cannot produce taurine (found only in animal protein).
Gokie5 almost 10 years ago
Like chickens, in particular, aren’t often raised in atrocious conditions. I saw a video that got me off KFC for several years. I still won’t eat veal.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
Consider: All of you who bought cat food have been involved in the continuation of slavery.
(Others have done so knowingly.)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
@Francis Lapeyre“Actually, fish isn’t ideal for cats. Meat is. …Cats cannot be vegetarian and survive; they cannot produce taurine (found only in animal protein).”.You look like you’re separating meat and fish from each other..“Taurine occurs naturally in fish and meat.”.Therefore, pure fish feasts would be okay for kitty in this regard.
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 10 years ago
My et tells me the fish flavors tend to cause urinary tract problems in cats that are susceptible to them.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Some will say the beef and poultry are no better with some of the slaughterhouses employing undocumented people and paying them less than min. wage and forcing them to work long, hard hours.
BillWa almost 10 years ago
Reports say man is the cause of climate change, reports say the area in front of the ship is clear of iicebergs. Reports are usually wrong.
James Lindley Premium Member almost 10 years ago
With all the invasive Asian carp in the Mississippi River tributary system, why don’t they use them in cat food? I’ve eaten them, and they’re good fish with a clean flavor. They’d be good for Filet-O-Fish sandwiches too. They are plentiful and need to be removed, so they should be eaten.
ambr95012 almost 10 years ago
fist is actually very bad for cats and can cause kidney failure in older males, not as bad for the females, no seafood for my cats period!