The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for April 15, 2015
Mr. Veeblefester: The biggest issue I have with the current income tax system is the graduated tax... Mr. Veeblefester: The more money I earn, the higher the tax rate I have to pay! Mr. Veeblefester: If I'm not careful, I could make more money than I can afford!
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
38% tax? I would love to be able to have to pay that.
Sportymonk over 9 years ago
How about the flat tax? Everybody pays 8% sales tax on what you spend. Buy a Cadillac you pay a lot, buy a use Pinto, you pay a little. Exempt food, clothing up to $100 per item and medicine. No tax on savings. Works great.
loner34 over 9 years ago
You only pay the higher RATE on the higher amounts.
Roger Merritt over 9 years ago
I hate these false assertions about the graduated tax. When you move into a higher bracket that rate doesn’t to ALL your income.
K M over 9 years ago
That would be great if it reduced state obligations as well as fed; but until then, it’s at best a partial solution.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 9 years ago
Cry me a river, Veeblebester!