Caption: OUR STORY: Nancy and Oona have been tricked by the magical YO-YO'S! They've landed in a STRANGE place!
Nancy: Almost like a television screen! They COULDN'T!
Oona: They COULD!
Oona and Nancy: WE'RE INSIDE A TV!!!
Elmer Gantry Fudd almost 10 years ago
Whimsy at its most leaden.
atomicdog almost 10 years ago
What? No 16×9 widescreen?
jrankin1959 almost 10 years ago
Didn’t Billy Joel do something like this for the video to his song “Pressure?”
harkherp almost 10 years ago
Is Yo-Yo Ma a Yo Yo at heart? Rlated? Emissary? Maybe Nancy will meet PBS’s Julia Child from the early 60’s!!!
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
Pray that they don’t change the channel or turn off the set.