B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for April 13, 2015

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    It’s awful the way they have to stop to sniff the top of every tree and fire hydr…

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    thesource  almost 10 years ago

    walking one’s pet is another way of saying: one’s pet is going to relieve itself. it begs the question, why stand under the process?

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    Wren Fahel  almost 10 years ago

    My brother leash-trained his hamster. Someone got him a hamster leash (partially as a joke), and I’ll be durned if he didn’t get his little bugger to use it! Granted, he only took his hamster walking around the house…INDOORS.

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  4. Ruke toe
    miscreant  almost 10 years ago

    Yes they do make leashes for birds. The leash attaches to their leg. It’s less rare than seeing someone walk a cat but it does happen.

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    Thomas R. Williams  almost 10 years ago

    Are we sure that that’s not a pterrakeet?

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    Kip W  almost 10 years ago

    Parakeets were really parakeets in those days.

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  7. Echo
    MotherOfMoses  almost 10 years ago

    You are not taking it out for a walk, you are taking it out for a fly,,,,,which come to think, it would be a great idea if it was possible.

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  8. Roflmao
    What? Me worried ?  almost 10 years ago

    He is not carrying a pooper scooper or a birdie bag for the poo!

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    JohnHarry Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    generally what happens when you try to walk a cat


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    Joan32  almost 10 years ago

    We had a fledgling Sparrow Hawk that we rescued and tookhim out with a cat leash fastened to a fish swivel to his leg.He eventually got out and did not return but we knew who he was from the from the leather swivel. He got a girl friendand raided garbage cans for food. Missed him!

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  11. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  almost 10 years ago

    I walk my tropical fish by ’A pinch of food on one end of the tank… then a pinch on the other side.

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    banjinshiju  almost 10 years ago

    With the size of that leash, it must me a ptarakeet instead of an ordinary parakeet.

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    tuslog64  almost 10 years ago

    My daughter had a parakeet-We trained it to say “Here, kitty, kitty!”(No, she didn’t have a cat too)

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