Maybe they are members of some sort of child-torture cult. Maybe Timmy will grow up into some sort of Soylent Green expert. Although I don’t know how they will handle such a high-fat and toxic mixture. I know! Sell it to China and they will make half of it into pet food and sell it back to us. The other half they will feed to aquaculture fish and sell back to us.
mikie2 almost 10 years ago
Maybe they are members of some sort of child-torture cult. Maybe Timmy will grow up into some sort of Soylent Green expert. Although I don’t know how they will handle such a high-fat and toxic mixture. I know! Sell it to China and they will make half of it into pet food and sell it back to us. The other half they will feed to aquaculture fish and sell back to us.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Chapter #8 in Timmy’s Best Selling Book.
mikie2 almost 10 years ago
Maybe later, when he’s grown, that huge axe, blow torch, knife, or electric drill. Or his favorite, the replica rack.
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 10 years ago
……maybe in later life this field trip will help the adult Timmy make shrewder choices when buying…..replacement windows!!?