Herman by Jim Unger for May 04, 2015

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Is it a Roleks?

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  2. Missing large
    Phantis  almost 10 years ago

    modern cheap watches may have quartz and be supposedly more accurate than older ones, but if the movement is cheapo it will run slow or fast or whatever.

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  3. The shadow
    Ubintold  almost 10 years ago

    Probably got it on upside down & can’t read it.

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  4. Pileated woodpecker 0009 24 06 07
    Strider Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I didn’t think Herman would be the type of person to buy an Apple Watch…..

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  5. Picture 001
    rshive  almost 10 years ago

    Well, it’s right twice a day.

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  6. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 10 years ago

    Must have been one of those John Cameron Swayze’s Timex’s(that had been tied to a out board motor)

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