New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for May 07, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    I loved this one when it first ran.

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  2. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  almost 15 years ago

    Well at least they serve classic Scottish cuisine; it’s too bad that that customer is so rude.

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  3. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    A Whisky, Mum.

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  4. Large dd2
    zero  almost 15 years ago

    What! no Spotted Dick?

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  5. Atomicknights
    phydeaux44  almost 15 years ago

    Frankly, if McWhisky was on the menu, McDonald’s would get more of my business.

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  6. Missing large
    prrdh  almost 15 years ago

    grapfhics said, about 6 hours ago

    A Whisky, Mum.

    Half and half with Chateau Thames Embankment.

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  7. Albert einstein
    hymenoxis  almost 15 years ago

    Hmm…someone’s been reading Rumpole again…

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  8. Missing large
    dianecliff  almost 15 years ago

    Fly cemetaries! Where are the Fly Cemetaries?

    I wouldn’t say no to a wee dram of Drambuie.

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  9. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Haggis is fast food only in that it makes you wish to fast.

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  10. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    jukeofurl said, What! no Spotted Dick?

    That’s what Albert is for.

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  11. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  almost 15 years ago

    Ah. ‘tis a rare thing to see the wild haggis romp.

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  12. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  almost 15 years ago

    When I was a wee lad (I’m Scots) my father told me that Haggis was warrior’s food and helped to win many battles.

    If you dinna’ fight well you had to eat more Haggis…

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  13. Twitter avatar
    Pab Sungenis creator almost 15 years ago

    Obviously, this strip was before I found it funnier to have Albert still be dead.

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