Steve Kelley for April 15, 2015

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    Arthur Weiler  about 9 years ago

    Ronald Reagen would have only had to give 5 ½ speeches to get the same amount.

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    lonecat  about 9 years ago

    Franklin Roosevelt was filthy rich and he was the best president working people ever had.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Executive pay is the real crime. The middle class gets nothing, the investors get a lot less than they should and the elite top guys (business and government) get to buy multiple private jets and still steal from them.

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  4. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  about 9 years ago

    “Middle Class”… The words of socialists… I prefer middle wage income earners.

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    Darque Hellmutt  about 9 years ago

    The “Your guy did worse” argument is old and worn out. The point of this cartoon is the disconnect between Hillary claiming to be the ‘champion of the middle class’ when she makes well over TWICE the average annual family income every time she gives a speech.

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    slgu  about 9 years ago

    Hillary’s hypocrisy is world class.

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  7. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @ahab – He also said Render unto Caeser that which is Caeser’s. It’s easy to find passages that support whatever position you might like – Southern Baptists used the bible to justify slavery 150 years ago.

    But any use of Christ’s words in terms of government activity would be poorly applied since he kept himself apart from the Government his whole life.

    Christ said we should take care of our Brothers and Sisters who are struggling and he admonished us to love our neighbor. Both very good messages that I try to follow.

    Christ did not say – You should get the Roman soldiers to take money from Jews and Gentiles alike and trust Rome to take that money and use it in the best interest of the public.

    That is, fundamentally, how you are corrupting Christ’s message. I think Christ frowned upon those who built up wealth in this world and left their less fortunate brothers and sisters to starve. I think he would have frowned upon his disciples if they walked into a town and demanded that the townspeople give up their wealth, in Christ’s name, so that the disciples could care for the poor the way they saw fit.

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  8. Bill the cat
    nusbickel  about 9 years ago

    Hillary doesn’t break through the glass ceiling. She just coats it with her scandalous slime.

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    oneoldhat  about 9 years ago

    top 10 ceo /// where all the gopers?

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    Gee, and all you republicans used to love people who made a lot of money! When did you all become sochulists?

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    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    With Reagan and China, I believe it was two milliion for a five minute spiel, not bad.

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    oneoldhat  about 9 years ago

    Hillary passed major tax break for rich [ letting hedge funds managers declare their wages as long term capital gains]

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  13. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @ahab – actually the Federal Government doesn’t tax the poorest citizens. Thanks to a stupidly progressive tax code the lower 50% of wage earners pay NOTHING in taxes. And before you start bagging about social security and medicare I will remind you that those are, in theory, an insurance program.

    No – Those senators have their health care paid for by those of us who earn in the upper 50% of wages.

    And to be clear – Those senators are NOT denying people health care. they are denying those poor people the right to reach into their neighbors pocket to fund their health care – As far as I’m concerned that’s a good thing.

    I’m all for taxes being used to make America more competitive: Better schools, better communications, better transportation, etc. I absolutely abhor mechanisms that take tax dollars from one group and pass them out to another in the interest of “doing good” or more likely “buying votes” What taker wouldn’t vote for a progressive that promises to rob their neighbor and give them the proceeds.

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  14. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Hiram – We can argue all day about how Christ would have felt about the taking from one group to fund the wants and needs of another. I just get sick and tired of people claiming they speak for Christ. They don’t.

    If I look at how much I give to the poor between voluntary transfers and involuntary transfers – It’s staggering. I enjoy the former and despise the latter.

    When I voluntarily give to charity I make sure the recipient is a worthy cause. The government just robs communities that have money and gives it to anyone who can plead a sob story. That’s why we end up with 4th and 5th generation welfare cases.

    I would be much more supportive of this tax and dole out scheme if the money was kept closer to home but all we hear is the giant sucking sound of cities while rural communities have to “make due” which we do.

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  15. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @ahab – On that point you and I can agree (I’m reading sarcasm here). I too think we should drastically reduce what we spend on defense. I don’t think we should be exporting Democracy at the muzzle of a gun and I have spoken often and loudly of my disgust for Dick Cheny and W’s torture of prisoners.

    Unfortunately, the military-industrial complex continues to grow and thrive while many other worthy government activities atrophy and die.

    You can actively vote for Democrats and still decry the military even though Obama continues to wage war and keep guantanamo open.

    I can actively vote for Republicans and still decry the military even though THEY will continue to wage war and keep guantanamo open.

    We should both agree that neither of the parties to whom we affiliate are perfect and focus on the parts that we can change.

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  16. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  about 9 years ago

    @Hiram Bingham – I disagree with your fundamental premise “That the Government doesn’t take care of the needs of the poor”. I think between Federal, State and Local aid the Governments more then take care of the needs of the poor.

    Allow me to explain: Too often, the apologists for the poor confuse the term want and need and even use them interchangeably. People, poor and rich alike, need shelter from the elements, they need modest clothing, they need to eat nutritious food to sustain themselves, they may need heat depending on the climate, they may need emergency medical care if they become injured or sick. (All of these are true needs to survive).

    People do not NEED: Television, automobiles, air conditioning, designer clothes/shoes, a cell phone, jewelry, healthcare on demand, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Those are WANTS and everyone has plenty of them. The Poor in this country seem to think that they NEED a lot more stuff then the Poor in half the world ever dream of having.

    Having established how I distinguish between a NEED and a WANT – I think Charity, alone, does take care of the poor but the Progressives keep telling us it’s not enough. Not only is it not enough but it is so heinously insufficient that it justifies Looting the lawful earnings from one group (Those of us who pay taxes) so that the Government will have sufficient funds to prop up these artificial needs of the poor.

    I do not want to see people starving nor do I want to see them homeless. But I am tired of being expected to pick up the tab for their day to day living when I have to watch them spending their earnings on wants.

    When Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, and non-religious community charities give to the poor – They are able to watch how the recipients use the proceeds. If they see someone squandering their gifts on Drugs and Alcohol they cut them off until they learn to be more responsible. But the Federal Government and My State Government give enormous amounts of money to individuals and we all get to watch them use it inappropriately without any way of bringing it to a stop – And that I find offensive.

    Perhaps you are different but I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t have 2 or 3 personal anecdotes of people they know are receiving government subsidies and then spending some of that money on one vice or another. That is why I have lost faith in the Government’s ability to manage charity appropriately. Case in point – I have a neighbor who has convinced the government he is too injured to work and he now receives Social Security Disability. I also know he races dirt bikes (he’s quite proficient). As a concerned citizen I called the local SS office and explained the situation and thought they might like to come out and investigate. That was 4 years ago and he is still receiving disability (he brags about it) AND he’s still racing dirt bikes.

    Worst of all – That money that the Government takes and wastes on irresponsible and undeserving recipients is robbed out of my community where it could help my neighbors and me. If the Government weren’t taking that money I would probably go out to dinner one more time a week in the local cafe or attend another theater event in my town, or buy another tank of gas from my local gas station and go for a drive or put another $50 in the collection plate on Sunday. Those dollars that are taxed away to do good for another community deprive MY community and the working people in my community. There is an evil side to Robin Hood.

    Everybody likes to think that it’s OK to steal from some rich bastard and give it to the poor because: 1) He doesn’t need that much, 2) He doesn’t deserve that much, 3) He probably earned it illegally, or 4) he inherited it. It makes for a nice narrative.

    The problem is – The government isn’t just taking from the 1% to do their “good works”. They are taking from 50% of wage earners to do this.

    As I told Ahab (above) I’m all for reducing Military spending too. The poor are not the only reason we pay taxes but I have to look at that waste and fraud spent on Welfare every day as I drive to work. I only see military spending when we foolishly try to force another country to think and act as we.

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  17. Turn in your weapons   it worked for the indians
    trm  about 9 years ago

    Classic leftie – can’t argue on facts, change the subject.One more time, and I’ll use small words so you can follow.Elitist multi-millionare Hiliary tries to sell herself as the “candidate for common Americans”. It is to laugh.At the same time, she criticizes corporate CEOs, some of whom make less than she does, for their money. She is the penultimate hypocrite.

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