Strange Brew by John Deering for April 28, 2015

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    Observer fo Irony  almost 10 years ago

    My neighbor just put in a ‘cat’ door for the feral that she is caring for; it goes into her garage that is used more as a storage shed. The feral cat won’t use it so now she has the door propped open.

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    dflak  almost 10 years ago

    We have a doggie door out to the back yard. One day we had people over and they brought their dog. Our dog went out the door. Their dog looked at us with the “How did he do that?” expression on his face.

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  3. Spooky
    unca jim  almost 10 years ago

    Our cat, now long gone, could do tricks and get bug-eyed at watching wild tiger/cat/jaguar videos, but never could get the hang of a ‘cat-door’
 Her preferred method of getting out or in was yowling for a hand-maiden or butler to open and close the door, for leaving the door blocked open a notch would allow fresh-caught mouses to be brung indoors to be played with. Said cat could never understand why the hand-maiden made such screaming noises when this occurred and why big butler guy tossed said cat and mouse outdoors to play their inevitable death games out there in the yard.

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  4. Js
    mightyfrog  almost 10 years ago

    This is how my cats treat the pet door. They have had it all their lives and use it almost daily, yet each time they approach it like it’s a star-gate leading to who-knows-where.

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