Beardo by Dan Dougherty for April 20, 2015

  1. Missing large
    ekw555  almost 10 years ago

    rotten Abbey.

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  2. Retired dude avatar
    Retired Dude  almost 10 years ago

    The truth will come out when it’s time for their walk.

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  3. Solange
    ewalnut  almost 10 years ago

    Abbey — the dog that “recycles” her poo.’ll never get that image out of my head. I hope they wash that plate really well.

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  4. 1958edselcitationconvertible
    DavEdsel  almost 10 years ago

    I know our pets (3 dogs and 4 cats) work together to get food off the counters. The cats get up there and knock the food to the floor, and they all enjoy it. When we get a sheet pizza, we have to keep a heavy pot on the box top or the cats will go up, open the top and knock down some pieces of pizza to the floor. The are all in “cahoots”.

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