Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for May 09, 2010

  1. Kitty
    cutiepie29  almost 15 years ago

    I wish more smokers did that. At least then I wouldn’t have to be exposed to their second-hand carcinogenics. I really hate the smell and what it does to breathing abilities (I’m asthmatic).

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    I quit driving. I love someone pouring a ton of pollutants tells me about the smoke from a little cigarette. While we’re at it, ladies didn’t you mothers tell you to take the stairs if others can smell your scent? Can’t believe you’re still using that gas mower that throws off more fumes than a Mac truck. Oh, nice that you can afford to keep your house at 72 degrees all year round. Love those PCBs from the electric plant. Ah, but don’t smoke the most highly taxed product in America, you might die 8 years early and help save Social Security. How many children do you have? I guess this old ball of rock can support another 7 billion Maybe I’ll quit smoking and start all of the above like all the other hypocrites.

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  3. Color maria yoshiwara 226x300
    librisleo  almost 15 years ago

    @Lewreader Bitter much?

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    bueller  almost 15 years ago

    Lewreader does sound bitter - probably because he thinks smokers are being singled out in a hypocritical, tunnel-visioned manner ( which they are ).I believe we have to have an “outlet” for that sort of prejudice. We can’t help ourselves-it’s in our Puritanical roots. If we become more “permissive” in other areas of society, we must pick on someone or something else. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole. It’s gonna pop back up somewhere.

    Tobacco has been mass-marketed much like corn syrup has over the last couple of decades, simply to meet the demand. The point is, for those who may not look at health care epidemics besides the pulmonary kind, you can find the result of the average American diet in any hospital ICU -morbid obesity,diabetes,and yes, cardiovascular disease. But you are only beginning to hear the first rumblings about the real dangers of using corn sweetner. It’s not the sweetner itself, so much as how the agriculture and food industries have marketed it. It’s now in just about everything we consume. Look at the ingredients label on a package of hot dog buns, for example.Health care trends come and go,literally. It is just so typical of our society, though, media driven as it is, to focus on one health care problem while myopically ignoring another that may be worse. Not that we have ever been good at getting out in front of these problems when there’s big money involved.

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  5. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  almost 15 years ago

    Saw a teeshirt the other day that said

    I’M AN ORGAN DONOR! Gave my lungs to the tobacco industry.

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    zev.farkas  almost 15 years ago

    Smoking: suicide bombing on the installment plan.

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  7. Cat asks you to sign a contract
    notinksanymore  almost 15 years ago

    While I do get a little miffed at the constant demonization of smokers, I must concede one point: they do harm people other than themselves. I am talking about beyond the financial impact on health care. People who gorge themselves on sweeteners and have obesity related problems are harming no one but themselves. Second hand smoke, however, can be just as harmful as the direct stuff. While I support the rights of others to use tobacco, I am also concerned with my right not to have to inhale the smoke myself. It is quite a conundrum.

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    nobody_special Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    notinksanymore said,

    “While I do get a little miffed at the constant demonization of smokers, I must concede one point: they do harm people other than themselves. I am talking about beyond the financial impact on health care. People who gorge themselves on sweeteners and have obesity related problems are harming no one but themselves.”

    Unless they trip and fall on you … :P

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