Only horse I know that likes to start out of the crouch
He has been greatly influenced by Usain Bolt.
Are those starting blocks?
They are in a gated community.
It’s cheeting! The horse is a hybrid – It’s half cheetah!
That barmy ‘orse ‘as issues… (or ‘er shoes… can’t tell from here.)
he’s not horsing around
July 17, 2015
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 10 years ago
He has been greatly influenced by Usain Bolt.
cdward almost 10 years ago
Are those starting blocks?
whiteheron almost 10 years ago
They are in a gated community.
SunflowerGirl100 almost 10 years ago
It’s cheeting! The horse is a hybrid – It’s half cheetah!
Arianne almost 10 years ago
That barmy ‘orse ‘as issues… (or ‘er shoes… can’t tell from here.)
abbybookcase almost 10 years ago
he’s not horsing around