"Why would you surprise me with tickets to Blue man group when you know very well that I am color blind!?!"
I see he wore his red jacket to the show.
They weren’t blue … till the toilet water in those pipes hit em.
The pipes, the pipes are calling them.
I love the music from these guys! I wouldn’t mind going to a concert for them one of these days.
So pretend they are the GRAY MAN GROUP!
Aw, they’re just a ripoff of the Smurfs!
August 21, 2015
J Short over 9 years ago
I see he wore his red jacket to the show.
Dewed over 9 years ago
They weren’t blue … till the toilet water in those pipes hit em.
whiteheron over 9 years ago
The pipes, the pipes are calling them.
bookworm0812 over 9 years ago
I love the music from these guys! I wouldn’t mind going to a concert for them one of these days.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago
So pretend they are the GRAY MAN GROUP!
OldestandWisest over 9 years ago
Aw, they’re just a ripoff of the Smurfs!