Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 16, 2015
Dill: I just rode my kiddie car ALL THE WAY AROUND THE CIRCLE! Alice: See anything interesting? Dill: Yes! I saw where somebody set off some fireworks. Dill: And one of those signs warning that new people are coming. Dill: And a big, giant wad of blue chewing gum. Dill: And some really great dirt by the storm drain. Dill: And a bunch of mushrooms. Dill: And a tree with two socks in it. Dill: Of all the things I saw, that was the one that blew my mind. Dill: Till now, I had not realized that's where socks come from. Alice: Don't be sill! Somebody stuck their feet out of an airplane and their socks fell off! Kevin: Oh, ICK! GUM!
Linux0s over 9 years ago
Storm drains always hoard the really great dirt.
joegee over 9 years ago
Wow! As big as Cul de Sac is that had to be quite a ride. Dill is following in his brothers spirit of adventure. Poor buckethead Kevin always gets the short end.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Dill took quite an adventurous ride and is a keen observer of the world around him. He will be a great scientist/naturalist after he grows up and marries Alice!As for Kevin, well…, he’s a buckethead.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
It’s the one shoe by the side of the road in the middle of winter or the pair of pants anytime of the year that disturbs me.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
Dill and Alice are both wrong. That’s where the socks go after the dryer is finished with them.
mabrndt Premium Member over 9 years ago
Again, Richard posted a blog entry for this strip (explaining some of its elements).As has been the case for most of the roughly 5 year repeat so far, it’s out of sequence. Originally, last Sunday’s strip followed yesterday’s. Richard also posted a blog entry for that strip. I think they can be read in either order.(reposted after correcting a link)
pumaman over 9 years ago
The mushrooms blew my mind. They were that kind of mushroom.
chekov over 9 years ago
Mr Thompson, today’s strip is a masterpiece. You have captured how children think. Dill’s comment about warning new people are coming (for sale sign) is perfect. Thank you for a great Sunday chuckle.
Gokie5 over 9 years ago
My big laugh came when I read the comic shown at the bottom of the blog that maybrndt (thanks again) referred us to. I was reading along ok, then saw Petey’s expression in the last panel. Priceless.