Henry Payne for June 23, 2015

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yet another Hatred Of Obama cartoon from Payne.

    Now, some Fox “news” viewers will say they don’t hate Obama, just his policies.


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  2. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  about 9 years ago

    BUt… he left out the damn car.

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  3. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yes really it is only in Obama’s head that we are divided by racism. Little hope that someone like Henry Payne will close the divide. I wonder why he hates Obama so much? Is it because of only his policies? Nah

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  4. Missing large
    DrDon1  about 9 years ago

    Payne is nothing but Ironic!

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    oneoldhat  about 9 years ago

    yet another hatred of payne by braindead08 // so balto are you one of those who think bush arraigned the planes into the twin towers ? while the people of Charleston were calming things down bho was throwing gasoline on the embers so as to have another Baltimore

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  6. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 9 years ago

    “…Race issues were better under Bush, so stop blaming us …”?gigglesnickerLOLROFLLMAOROFLCOPTER!

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    The “dividers” are those like Roof, even those who don’t resort to the gun, only their words and less overt actions. It began with the Obama campaign, and surged after the election. It actually traces back to the early sixties and the Civil Rights Acts, that said ALL are equal.

    YES, there were some problems with "affirmative action’ programs, but the biggest problem is bigotry.

    Payne just proves we’re still a tribal society and culture.

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