Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 09, 2015
Girl: You know what I'd like to learn? Slacklining! Frazz: Here. I can rig up some webbing between those trees. Girl: Are you crazy? It's right where someone could see me screw up! Frazz: You're open to balancing over a gorge but afraid of a little embarrassment? Girl: I'm not discussing embarrassment with a guy in slime-green mid-calf socks. Frazz: They were free with my new marathon flats!
Bilan over 9 years ago
Just be sure to wear something that doesn’t clash with black and blue.
Island Boy over 9 years ago
To be seen in the dark, these will do.
(we are writing a poem here, right?)
Al Nala over 9 years ago
Frazz be NOT embarrassed by/with his sox.
tomielm over 9 years ago
Gorge-ous artwork in middle panel, Jef!
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
At least Jef has drawn her with a safety line in panel three.
dzw3030 over 9 years ago
I was afraid of speaking to a group ‘cause I occasionally stutter. The cure was addressing several hundred people after the first two presenters. The first two were so bad I knew I’d do better and I did. No problems after that.
Marathon Zack almost 8 years ago
I have those marathon flats (or at least a pair of lime green Sauconys that look just like those).