Boomer: Whenever Poo Poo isn't feeling macho, he dresses up like a cowboy.
Poncho: I think his master must have given him the full works at the beauty salon today.
Boomer: Why do you say that?
Early morning greetings to all readers.-——-Definitely, Poo Poo, has an inferiority complex. Of couse he can’t help it. He is pink, has a bad name and gets carried around in a handbag.-——-Have a prosperous day my friends.
Poo Poo gets carried in a handbag…watching videos on his master’s cellphone, munching from an open container of Tic Tacs, lounging on a throne improvised from a compact. Poor guy…not!
Argythree over 9 years ago
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
Early morning greetings to all readers.-——-Definitely, Poo Poo, has an inferiority complex. Of couse he can’t help it. He is pink, has a bad name and gets carried around in a handbag.-——-Have a prosperous day my friends.
juicebruce over 9 years ago
That does not look like fun for Poo Poo :-{
She Mc over 9 years ago
I thought Poo poo was a girl!
dliley over 9 years ago
Poo Poo gets carried in a handbag…watching videos on his master’s cellphone, munching from an open container of Tic Tacs, lounging on a throne improvised from a compact. Poor guy…not!
MS72 over 9 years ago
Poo Poo, the trans-dog.
rhonda Premium Member over 9 years ago
I seem to remember seeing this visual before. Is this a repeat strip or just a new punchline? (either is fine by me, because it still made me laugh!)
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago
I’ve heard of ten gallon hats, but this is ridiculous!