Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 05, 2015
Pops: When I was young, all the bicycles we chased had a huge wheel in the front and a tiny wheel in the back. Everybody was dancing the Charleston, and there was this new invention called the "polio vaccination." Everybody listened to radios that were as big as jukeboxes, and when people heard something surprising, their bowler hats would pop off their heads! Poncho: How old is Pops anyway? Boomer: Ten years. Poncho: Whoa, that is old.....
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Seventy. What an age for a dog.
erik.vanthienen over 9 years ago
Bowler hat : 1850s – 1920s
Penny-farthing : 1870s – 1890s
Charleston : 1920s
Polio vaccine : 1950s
juicebruce over 9 years ago
Thank-You Pops we got the idea :-}
SallyLin over 9 years ago
Diat60 over 9 years ago
Thanks for the laugh, that is brilliant.
route66paul over 9 years ago
You had a stick? Our whole kennal had to share a piece of broken leash.
hoagieman12 over 9 years ago
I think Pops made a deal with the devil.
contralto2b over 9 years ago
LOVE the comments today! Thanks for making me smile :o)
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A pleasant day to all my friends.-—————-Poor Pops, he is getting senile. -—————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
K M over 9 years ago
Radios as big as jukeboxes… Former coworker was in Germany with her husband when he was stationed there. A fellow soldier walked through the compound with one of those car-sized boom boxes (some of you may remember the very non-PC name for them) on his shoulder — and apparently a chip there, too, for he was one of those people who felt everyone had a right to my tunes, IYKWIM. Just caused another soldier to mutter, “Huh, crew-served radio.”
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
@DennisinSeattle: Indeed and they misused it. Have a peaceful night my friend.