Fred Basset by Alex Graham for May 29, 2010

  1. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  almost 15 years ago

    Yikes! ……… Or Yip!

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  2. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    It can wake you up on occasion.

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    g.iangoodson  almost 15 years ago

    Snooker ball. No yellow balls in billiards.

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    persil  almost 15 years ago

    Just can’t trust the old fellow Fred!!

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    silverstate  almost 15 years ago

    It seems that American pocket-billiard balls are easier to sink than British snooker balls, as evidenced by years of domination of the game by Alison Fisher, Karen Coors, now others (sp?)

    I’ve played snooker on occasion, and those corner pockets require a lot more aim and skill to get that ball to sink and for the cue to then carom appropriately.

    Glad Fred didn’t get hit …it is correct that snookers doesn’t have a yellow ball? Amercan pool does.

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    gdshiell  almost 15 years ago

    In the UK, billiards is played with three balls… one red, one white and one white with a black spot. The white balls are used as cue balls, one for each player. The game used to be very popular, but could be boring, and has largely been overtaken by snooker due to TV coverage. Snooker is played with a single white cue ball, colours yellow green brown, blue, pink and black, which score 2 to 7 and 15 red balls, each of which scores 1. The maximum score for a frame is 147 (15 reds, each followed by a black which is respotted, and then the colours in order from yellow to black).

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  7. Rose 5
    Dirty-Charisma  almost 15 years ago

    The 1 ball in billiards is yellow.

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  8. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 15 years ago

    I spent hours watching snooker on TV while in Portsmouth, UK. Fascinating game. Too bad I can’t find it anywhere in the States.

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    rotts  almost 15 years ago

    You beat me to it, Dirty-Charisma!

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